Saturday - April 14, 2024
9:00 - Registration and Coffee,
Tour of Shook-Smathers House
9:30 - Opening Remarks
Presentation about
William Billings
10:00 - Brief History of
Shaped-Note Music and Books
Advanced Class in Leading for Returning QSMSS Alumni
10:45 - Rudiments of Singing
12:00 - Archival Recordings
of Shaped-Note Singing
Discussion about Blue Ridge Style
12:30 - Brownbag Lunch
1:15 - Section Choir Rehearsal
Advanced Class in Ornamental Singing for Experienced Singers
2:30 - Refreshment Break
2:45 - Singing As a Group
4:30 - Closing Remarks
Shaped-note books will be provided at no cost for use at the singing school, and will also be available for sale.